We are God's choir
As I travel around the nation conducting and participating in praise and worship acappella singings and teaching new songs, I am encouraged. It's a return to some basic roots that I hope we never lose. The power of God (Father, Son, Spirit) have given us to praise the name of God and encourage one another. Whether it's a new contemporary piece or timeless hymn they bring our hearts closer to God and speak life into a needy world.
As a child, I remember my parents dragging us to every singing event possible.. Weekends, long nights, different states to support and be exposed to other congregations. This was during the times when racial tensions in some places were high, but we still showed up. Singing became contagious, singing, jamming, and raising the roof with other believers.
Today I cannot imagine not being able to sing and express, joy, sorrow, pain, happiness, frustration, triumph and connection. A study published in Australia in 2008 revealed that on average, choral members rated their satisfaction with life higher than the public, even when the actual problems faced by those singers were more substantial than those faced by the general public.
What is so awesome about worshipping through singing together is the connection of hearts. Everyone has a part to sing. There are no big "I" or little "you" because we are simply giving our best to God. The blending of voices is like no music on earth and it touches a part of the soul that only it can touch. It's difficult to explain. You just have to experience it. Hearing the voices on the Jamaican shores as a baptism takes place, fifteen voices in an underground church in China praising with joy or thousands in an arena hall
" Thank you TBone for teaching our congregations new songs that we as younger individuals can sing words we can relate to that helps us in our spiritual walk."
"I am 75 years-old and the songs you introduced totally captured my heart. New words that truly express the rawness, heart-felt connection with God. This is something that has been missing for us, being real with God and each other and dropping the masks. As the song expressed, we have been playing it safe inside these church walls, and it's time to get out! Thanks TBone "
"Thank you for the workshop and then integrated song sermon lesson on Sunday morning. As a young person I had lost my faith. So tired of the rote that I experienced. Thank you for the lessons of "God Science and Worship" I had never encountered it before. It really helped me understand how and why God created me to sing to Them. You helped restore my faith this weekend and I was restored back to God. Thank you for being real and sharing your story. God is using you to reach hearts."
Shared message from previous workshops

If there was a way to give more of yourself to God, would you want to learn how? Would you want to put it into action in your service to Yahweh Elohim? Hmm. Invite me to share with you the “Shout to the Lord” workshop series. We will use interactive lessons and techniques to help change mediocrity into excellence.
Learn how you were created for music and music was created for you. Bring an open heart and an inquisitive mind as you are empowered to determine “How much of self you want to give to Elohim?” Elevate your song worship to heart worship. Make your singing worship more excellent, real and heartfelt. Then all the sessions are combined into an integrative interactive lesson using the new songs learned on Sunday morning. The times can be adjusted to your needs.

Blast from the past videos 2010, 2016 when I conducted regional conferences in Seattle, WA
You just never know what's going to emerge after the events when you get people together who love to sing praises.
I Shall Wear A Crown
Total Praise