What new songs are you singing to God that reflect your current relationship with Him?
My goal in conducting the singings is dynamic. It's for saints to invite people from the community, it's for younger generations to sing songs with relatable words as they continue to fight the fight when we are gone, it's opportunities to experience the powerful connection with God and each other, while elevating and transforming our song worship to another level.
Often comments from those who attend or host a workshop, acknowledge how it was an experience they will never forget and transforms and elevates their song worship to God. Hopefully, that's hitting the mark.
If we are to truly renew our hearts day by day (nothing stale, lukewarm) it means we are constantly changing and growing in relation. It's dynamic.
My relationship with God is not same as it was years ago and the songs I sing reflect that. My experience with God the past few years has been reflected in Goodness of God. It's been 8 years living in California with fires, smoke, asthma, drought, COVID, spinal issues, kidney surgeries, death of loved ones, and each Sunday driving miles with Phil Earley to give lessons to smaller congregations that don't have preachers

Another year ends 2024 and new begins 2025
My question to you is this: How much will you allow distractions to interfere with the life worship that you want to offer as a living sacrifice this year?
First let's ask the question: What does your "want to" look like? If you have the desire, then "What processes or systems are you putting in place to manifest your desire into reality?
You want to draw closer and connect with God via song worship. What's your plan to make this happen? Maybe you want to be a better a worship song leader. How much will you practice so your leading is edifying and helps build flow?
You're a parent. What will you implement in your home that spark your children to enjoy and love singing praises to God?
It's more than just learning a new song, it's about constantly building a new heart or "renewing heart day by day"
Steps: How Do You Host A Workshop?
Please Read all the information on this website to determine interest.
Send TBone an email expressing your interest in hosting a workshop
Let's schedule a Zoom call to make sure it's a good fit for your group
Reply to the question survey questions completed
Determine the date ( I try to keep it to one workshop per month)
Confirm scheduled weekend. I'll send you a PDF flyer to approve
What are the Costs?
Travel expenses, lodging, car rental, etc to get me there. ( I'd prefer to stay with members, which cuts your cost down, but that's up to each group. If a hotel is best for the current situation, that works also)
This is my personal conviction. Once you get me there, what the group decides to provide/compensate for the 5 workshop classes I teach that weekend is up to each individual group. This way no group is left out or behind because they cannot afford a certain rate.
How many workshops are there?
There are 4 total. Learn about them here. Each one highlights and builds upon the previous. You are not obligated to host all four. Host as many as you desire.

Thank You

Just wanted to take a little time to say thank you those members who sent encouraging texts, cards, prayers, prepared meals, ordered meals, provided rides to surgeries and appointments, sat in the ER room with me for hours, helped with medical bills, or drove three hours to simply visit.
Your love responses from California to North Carolina to my health crisis once again remind me of how thankful and what a blessing it is to be part of the family of God.
It will take time to recover from the two kidney surgeries while still working on the previous neural spine issues. So don’t looked surprised if you see me with a walking cane. My hope is for Yahweh to once again provide me the strength to continue the mission of supporting those eight smaller congregations in CA and NV with no preacher on Sundays and continue helping congregations across the nation to elevate their song worship via the song workshops.
Also, hopefully Jeff will conduct 1000 voices again in 2025 in NC.
Workshop Travel
February 8-9
Workshop @ Concord Church of Christ
Concord, NC
Song Leader's classroom @ Roseville
April 5-6
Kitsap Church of Christ
Kitsap, WA
April 25-27
Workshop #1 @ Placerville Church of Christ
Placerville, CA
May 2-4
1000 Voices
Concord, NC